my history will start with UTS this month. you know what, ujian akhir semester. eh atau ulangan akhir semester yah? pokokna berasa anak kuliah deh pake uts-uts segala. padahal berita yang kita dapet semester ini ga ada uts. eeh kenapa abis ganti kepsek lansung ada uts gini ckck. sungguh memaaang. jadi mau ga mau we must totall with it. because our teacher said that this score berbobot 2 sedang UAS dan UH berbobot 1, oh no! and in this month we back teached by our beloved teacher. PPL uda berakhir masa mengajarna, yaaah. dan bulan ini aq naik level EFnya, yeah! welcome level 6. and keep be the best. the last november.. hope thia month will be better than before. make this november forever :D
time to explore :D