- Army Ants
- Battle Beasts
- Cabbage Patch Kids (1989-1994)
- Easy-Bake Oven (akan ditarik)
- G.I. Joe
- Lincoln Logs
- Lite-Brite
- Mr. Potato Head
- My Little Pony
- Play-Doh
- Pokémon
- Spirograph
- Tinkertoys
- Transformers
- Axis and Allies
- Battleship
- Candy Land
- Cranium (akan ditarik, bahaya timah)
- Clue (Cluedo)
- Diplomacy
- Dungeons & Dragons (RPG)
- The Game of Life
- Magic: The Gathering (merek terkenal Hasbro)
- Monopoly (permainan papan yang paling banyak terjual menurut Guinness Book of World Records)
- Ouija
- Pictionary
- Risk
- Scrabble
- Trivial Pursuit
- Mirror-Mirror (Pemenang ITV1's 'Design a Board Game Competition')
mainan kyk scrable, monopoly yg biasa dimainin..ni dia pembuatnya