- Release Date: May 25, 1983 (original); March 14, 1997 (Special Edition)
- Synopsis: (4 years after Episode IV) In the epic conclusion of the saga, the Empire prepares to crush the Rebellion with a more powerful Death Star while the Rebel fleet mounts a massive attack on the space station. Luke Skywalker confronts his father Darth Vader in a final climactic duel before the evil Emperor. In the last second, Vader makes a momentous choice: he destroys the Emperor and saves his son. The Empire is finally defeated, the Sith are destroyed, and Anakin Skywalker is thus redeemed. At long last, freedom is restored to the galaxy.
- Opening Crawl:
Luke Skywalker has returned tohis home planet of Tatooine inan attempt to rescue hisfriend Han Solo from theclutches of the vile gangsterJabba the Hutt.
Little does Luke know that theGALACTIC EMPIRE has secretlybegun construction on a newarmored space station evenmore powerful than the firstdreaded Death Star.
When completed, this ultimateweapon will spell certain doomfor the small band of rebelsstruggling to restore freedomto the galaxy...
- Awards: Academy Award Winner: Special Achievement in Visual Effects. Academy Award Nominee: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Best Sound Effects Editing, Best Sound, Best Original Score.
BAFTA Award Winner: Best Special Visual Effects. BAFTA Nominee: Best Make Up Artist, Best Production Design/Art Direction, Best Sound
Saturn Award Winner: Best Actor, Best Costumes, Best Make-Up, Best Science Fiction Film, Best Special Effects. Saturn Award Nominee: Best Actress, Best Director, Best Music, Best Supporting Actor, Best Writing.
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