Graduating high school at 17, she promptly flew to Las Vegas to audition for cruise ship and casino shows.
Started dancing when she was 7.
Her father is a trucker.
"All I knew was that L.A. is where dancers got jobs and L.A. was the dot MapQuest led to. My parents thought, `Oh my God, what is she going to turn into out there?'"
"I'm a lot shyer than most of the girls, but my personality on stage is full-out. I really go for it."
"I had only seen a poster for them. I remember falling in love with the girls. Not many acts let you be sexy and still be about girl power." (about her band, the Pussycat Dolls)
"Small town Middle America is different from the coasts, and all the girls come from big cities. I have a different perspective. They love my stories about towns where the fancy clothing store is Wal-Mart."
"Sing like nobody's listening, Dance like nobody's watching, and live like it's your last."
pussycat dolls 2003 - present