
Posted on 29 September 2009 |

Jenis Film : Thriller
Produser : Douglas E. Hansen, Bill Block
Produksi : Lions Gate Film
Durasi : 87
Seorang gadis menemukan sebuah rahasia menyakitkan tentang saudari kembarnya yang bunuh diri beberapa bulan yang lalu

the ugly truth

Posted on |
Jenis Film : Comedy/romance
Produser : Katherine Heigl, Karen Mccullah Lutz, Kirsten Smith
Produksi : Columbia Pictures
Homepage :
Durasi : 95
Abby Richter tertantang menjadi produser sebuah acara bincang pagi dan sedang mencari Tuan Sempurna untuk menjadi kekasihnya. Ia terkejut saat atasannya memintanya bekerjasama dengan Mike Chadway, pembawa acara yang dipimpinnya dengan kepribadian urakan, mencoba membeberkan fakta apa saja yang membuat wanita dan pria jatuh cinta

cloudy with a chance of meatballs

Posted on |
Jenis Film : Animation
Produser : Pam Marsden
Produksi : Columbia Pictures
Homepage :
Durasi : 81
Seumur hidupnya, Flint Lockwood ingin menjadi seorang penemu. Saat ia memiliki keterampilan khusus, ia belum memiliki sarana yang memadai. Ia menciptakan semprotan pada sepatu, formula penumbuh rambut, pengendali jarak jauh untuk televisi berjalan, dan “tikus bersayap”, semuanya gagal. Lebih buruk lagi, ia yakin bahwa ayahnya tak bangga dengan semua usahanya. Ketika Flint menciptakan sebuah alat yang mengubah air menjadi makanan dan secara tak sengaja meluncur ke atas awan, merupakan awal keberhasilannya. Air tersebut berubah menjadi hujan hamburger, hot dog, pizza dan bistik. Flint menjadi pahlawan di kotanya. Ia juga menemukan pujaan hatinya bernama Sam Spark yang meliput fenomena ini. Namun saat Flint dan seisi kota meletakkan semua keinginan mereka pada mesin tersebut, mesin mulai mengalami kerusakan. Dengan segera seluruh dunia mengalami bencana musim makanan dan hanya Flint beserta kawan-kawannya yang dapat menghentikannya

holid at surabaya

Posted on 28 September 2009 |
september 16
hari ni brangkat k sbya by travel. sndrian lgi d mobil tu ckck. posthing aj ma driverny. turun d royal d jmput budhe ma mb'ethy. telkomsel pke acra ganggun jaringan pula. waah ga bysa telpon haha. nympe ruma budhe tidur, capek, puasa2. bangun mandi trs k resto ayam tulang lunak. buber dsitu. dpet tempat d atas c, tpi mslahny anginny kenceng bgt ckck berasa terbang aj rsanya. yg ptg makanny ajib daah.. trs lanjut k sutos. rencanany c mau ntn final destination yg 3D, tapii apes lgi sold out! siip akhirnya k strob beli gelang buat ophe ncit jely. lupa bgt buat beli oleh2 buat mreka ckck. trs pulang packing bsok k bontang, hmmm. trs ol ma ntn pilm.
september 25
hari ni balik k sbya. dri bontang siang. beraatnya mau mlangkahkn kaki dri bontang ni.. dpet surprise dri ncit ma jelly. mreka tiba2 nongol d bandara ckck gilaa ni ank2 hehe. tpi seneng bgt bysa ktemu mereka. so sweetna mpe ngnterin aq k bandara wkwk. nympe bpp bengong nungguin check in. untung ol ad yg nemenin ol hehe makasii yah! mpe sbya siang jga ud d tungguin budhe sma mb'ethy. trnyta ad mas ami jga. brhubung aq laper k a&w dlu lah, my favorite place! trs lsg d ajakin k suramadu, wuoow. pnsran jga gimana c jmbatannya. trnyta emg gokil ckck. sbnerny ga bole brenti trs poto2. tpi nekad aj sma mb'ethy, rugilaah byar tol 30 ga poto hho. trs mampir k warung bebek tugu pahlawan. hmm makan lgi ! diet ga jalan ni haha. trs pulang mandi. hari ni mb'agnes ultah jdi d traktir ntn final destination 3D, siip dah. tpi k apartemen mas ami dulu nunggu mpe jam 9. trnyta ad bnyak dvd ! trs k sutos ntn. ckck ud pilm ngerik gtu 3D lgi, hiiis mantap skali mmg. triak2 ga mikir tetangga haha. pda laper smua abs itu jdi qta nongkrong dlu d loop. wih tmpatny pewe bgt buat nongkrong2. cba ad tmpat kyk gni d malang hehe. pulang dah malem bgt smbil ol d jalan dritdi. untuuung aj ad hape nih bysa ol makana. yey !
september 26
siang bangun ga da orang. budhe pergi sma pakde. mb'ethy jga pergi. druma sma mas graha tpi blum bangun dynya. jengjeeng. tgl ntn pilm. trs mau ol eeh pulsaq hbs. oookay. komputerny mas graha ga bysa nyala pisan, siip klo gtu. ga lama budhe datang. d ajak pergi sma mas gtw kemana. ayo aj bosen c druma. abs jempt mb'agnes qta k pasar genteng. walaah trnyta mas mau beli tipi buat d mobil. lsg dpet tipi plus dvd portable. abs tu pulang istirahat. soalny ntr mlem mau k bromo. tpi aq ga bysa tduur jdi ol smpe mau brangkt k bromo hehe.
september 27
mlem jam 11 brngkat k bromo. mb'ethy, mas ami, mas graha, mb'agnes, mb'eta, mas jupri, aq. aq tdur spanjang jalan. tau2 nympe trs kluar mobil maaak dinginny. trs naik hartop k penanjakan 1 buat lyat sunrise. uda jam stengah 4 tu. s jam kmudian nympe dah. maak tmbah dngin lgi trnyta ckck. ud kaki mati rasa. ga bysa ngerasain nih mukaa saking dinginya. tpi poto ttp jalan smpe matahari muncul. ckck keren bgt ! trs lanjut k bromo naik hartop lgi. bener2 d bawah gunungny tu. trs jalan mendaki gunung buat lyat kawahnya. prtama lyat jalanny yg jauh dah nanjak gtu putus asa. tpi penasaran jga. abs jalan kaki jdi y kuat ga kuat. trnyta ga kuat wkwk. cma smpe tangga depan naik k kawah doang. ga sanggup lyat sribu ank tangga buat lyat kawahnya. cukuuup dpan tangga aj ! abs tu balik pulang. tidur lgi aq d jalan. bangun2 mampir d ruma makan pak sholeh, siip mmg. abs makan ktiduran lgi jalan k sbya tuh ckck. bangun2 uda nympe d apartemenny mas ami ngnterin pulang, trs mb'agnes ma mb'eta. trs qta pulang deh. lsg mandi sholat tepar ! ol c sbenernya hehe. capek bgt. sore tu mpe ga mandi. gatauny abs maghrib perutq sakiit tak trtahankan! keram ga bysa gerak, hauuhau. sbnernya mau nahan2 tpi sumpa ga kuat ini. jdi d bwa budhe k ugd tkutnya kenapa2. trs pulang mnum obat lsg ilang nyerinya. jdi y ol aq trs ntn dvdny mas ami hehe. tdur deh..
september 28
masuk minggu sekolah walopun ntr rabu mulainy. aiiiih masi malas dn aq msi d surabaya. bangun ga da org lgi d ruma ckck. budhe pakdhe pergi, mb'ethy jga pergi. sma mas graha lgi trs blom bngun lgi. krik krik deh d kamar tak tgl ntn pilm haha. trnyta ntr mlem mau d trktir mb'ethy d hanamasa. jdi aq sma mas graha ga makan nasi dri pagi. cuma makan mpek2 ckck. sore mandi siap2. abs maghrib brangkat k hanamasa. brsiaaap menggemukan diri ! smua makanan yg d sediakan q cobain satu2. byar ga rugi bayar gtu mksudny, pdhal d traktir jga haha. pulang tu bener2 full rasanya. 2,5 jam d sna ckck. trs k ugd lgi soalny mas ami sakit. gara2 rame jdi agk lama. untung mas graha bwa psp jdi tgl main. pulang tuh lsg pda nyerbu kamar mandi ckck. mulees smua wkwk. trs ol, kasianny yg q tgl packing ma sholat. sibug ndri mmg hehe. trs smpet ntn pilm dlu bru tdur.
september 29
bangun pagi mau balik k malang, tidaaak!! nganter mb'ethy sma mas ami dlu k bandara. trs sma budhe pakdhe lnjut k malang. ktiduran lgi d jalan. bangun2 ud d malang d ruma makan mau sarapan ckck. trs pulang krumah. duh koq males yah?? aq ingat sangat bsok ud skola. ntr malem ad les ef. oooooh aq blom mau liburan ni berakhiir !!!!!

day 8

Posted on 24 September 2009 |
the last day in bontang, aah gamauuu! bru kli ni bngun pagi. tlpon ank2 gtw ad yg bngun, hape mati, ga d angkat ckck. siang mauny main ma vylda tpi gjdi. mendung kliatanya. jalan ma dd kruma mb'dian mo pinjem motor. syg ni c naura tidur. sore muter2 bontang kliling dr ujung k ujung. abs maghrib makan k bon sma ophe ncit jelly. pulang ambil laptop ma uno kruma erla. tpi jalan dri ruma jelly. bisany ktemu esan d jalan. abs ngopiin vylda lagu main uno. smpe ga smpet pamitan ni ma emi ckck. pulng kruma mb'dian nyusul mama. pulang packing, aaaah benciny aq packing2 kyk gni brasa ga balik. trs ol main uno lgi. full uno! ol mpe mlem ga bysa tdur relaaa meninggalkan bontang trcinta!!! hope tomorrow never begin ;(

day 7

Posted on 23 September 2009 |
aaah detik2 trakhir q dsni, wuoow hikshiks. siang bangun. ol spt biasa main uno. lnjut ntn pilm. trs main game mpe capek2 sndri. magrib bru mandi. malem main k jelly. main uno sma ophe, esan, kempet. jaki erla smpet ksitu jga. main mpe malem ckck. pulang ntn pilm lgi. ol main uno jga. ckck hidup penu dgn uno sptnya haha. mauny main ma vylda tpi gjdi, dyna ktiduran. mau kruma mb'dian jga gjdi, kangen naura deh. rasany aq ga pngen hri ni brakhir spy ga da hri esok. aaaaah :(

day 6

Posted on 22 September 2009 |
i know it will be end soon, hiks hiks.. pagi bngun ad tmen krja mama kruma. trpaksa ga kluar kmar soalny blom mandi. eh ktiduran lgi ckck. sore bntuin mama bresin ruma. dd dteng dri smd. erla kruma bntar. lnjut ruma mb'dian mau jmput dd. kangen ma ponakan. mpe malem main dsna. rncana main ma jelly ga jdi. tlpon ncit ophe. kruma ophe main uno. kepin dtg gabung main. lnjut ngbrol trs pulang. ol lgi main uno. druma bnyk kue diet gagal hri ni huh.

day 5

Posted on |
bngun siang gra2 d ganggu org yg plg ga pngen aq temuin! ngpain c..pke acra sms2 sgala mau kruma hh. situ spa emg. siang ntn pilm trs ol main uno. lgi gila2ny main uno. bngun2 ruma ga da org d tglin makanan ckck. sore bntuin mama bresin ruma. mlem kruma jely ma ophe ncit. lanjut gossip mpe mlem. pulang ktemu bule' ma qty. trs ntn pilm, ol lgi deh main uno. ooh senangny sehari jdi ank tunggal :D

day 4

Posted on 20 September 2009 |
bangun 5.30 mama marah gara2 aq lelet. pke baju beda ndri. aah brasa ank nemu nih! gara2 bajuq ga smpet d jait telat pulangnya sih. nunggu sholat id mpe ngntuk2. pulang maap2n, sarapan, naura kruma. mama pergi, d tgl sndrian druma, ktiduran pas ntn pilm. bangun 12.00 ntn tipi. nyari gelang kmbar ophencit mpe putus asa, gtw dmna tiba2 ilang, huh. siang jemput ophe gossip bentar, lanjut ruma vylda. sore kruma ncit. tahaan ma godaan kuekue! malem kruma ophe mpe malem. dy, sialan! pulang ol mpe mati, main uno spy lupa. tdur ndri dd ikt mb'dian k smd, hauu.

day 3

Posted on |
abs saur ntn pilm lgi, tidur jam 8 smpe siang. sore bantuin mama brsiin ruma. abs buka naura kruma smbil nunggu bsok lebaran pa ga. main ma ophe k tmpat ncit lyat org2 pda takbiran. gossip d ruma smpe aus! pulang ol mpe mati, main uno mpe ngntuk. besok LEBARAN!!!! :D

day 2

Posted on |
abs saur ntn pilm korea. tidur 8.00 bngun 15.00 GILAAK! bantuin mama bersih2 ruma. ol nunggu buka. mlm traweh ma ophe. ktemu tmen2 lgi dan yg pling pgn d temuin. byk yg blg rda kurusan, REALLY? diet mmbuahkn hasil. pulang vylda dkk kruma. ol mpe mati plus main uno, tidur!

day 1

Posted on |
dri sub 6.15 ktemu bapak2 nyebelin, komentar yg ga penting. breng sma ank man 3. bpp 8.30 ambil koper check in pkt. naik psawat 9.30 nyampe btg 10.5 druma 10.30 tidur. sore main tmpat naura mbil ngnterin oleholeh. buber d ruma mb'dian. tpaksa mkan bnyak, oh NO! mlm traweh jmput ophe. skit hti d cuekin pas d sapa. ktemu tmen2 dan yg plg pgn d temuin. pulang mampir tmpat ncit. pulang ol lgi mpe ngantuk. tidur.

balls of fury

Posted on 17 September 2009 |

Jenis Film : Comedy/action
Produser : Derek Evans, Ron Schmidt
Produksi : Rogue Pictures
Durasi : 91
Kehidupan mantan atlilt Ping-Pong Randy Daytona (Dan Fogler) berubah saat agen FBI Rodriguez (George Lopez) merekrutnya untuk sebuah misi rahasia. Randy dihadapkan pada masa lalunya dan pembunuh ayahnya – salah satu buronan FBI, Feng (Christopher Walken). Namun, setelah dua dekade tidak ikut dalam turnamen Ping Pong, Randy harus membentuk timnya sendiri. Ia menghubungi peramal buta Wong (James Hong) dan melatihnya bermain Ping Pong. Masih mampukah Randy bermain Ping Pong dengan baik? Apakah ia berhasil menangkap buronan tersebut?

burn after reading

Posted on |

Jenis Film : Drama/comedy
Produser : Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Produksi : Focus Features
Homepage :
Durasi : 96
Sebuah perjalanan hidup petugas CIA yang dipecat (John Malkovich) dan terlibat dengan dua orang instruktur olahraga yang mengekploitasi penemuan mereka

meraih mimpi

Posted on |

Jenis Film : Animation/musical
Produser : Mike Wiluan
Produksi : Kalyana Shira Film
Durasi : 90

Dana (Gita Gutawa), terpaksa mengikuti tradisi patriarkis di kampungnya dan juga dominasi penguasa tuan tanah yang membebani keluarganya dan seluruh kampung dengan pajak tanah yang keterlaluan. Padahal sebenarnya tuan tanah Pairot, berniat mengusir warga demi membangun perhotelan dan kasino. Perjalanan Dana menjadi sangat unik ketika ia sadar bahwa hanya dengan memenangkan kompetisi beasiswa untuk melanjutakan sekolahnya, ia dapat berjuang melawan ketidakadilan ini. Ditemani dengan binatang-binatang hutan dan Rai (Patton ‘Idola Cilik’) adiknya, Dana tidak hanya berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa, tetapi mereka juga menemukan rahasia tuan tanah akan identitasnya yang sebenarnya. Meraih Mimpi adalah kisah anak perempuan dan keluarganya yang mencintai binatang dan lingkungan dan tak berhenti bermimpi dan berjuang
Tayang mulai 16 September 2009


Posted on 15 September 2009 |

Reality and video games merge in this high-concept sci-fi action thriller from Crank creators Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. In the not too distant future, mind-control technology allows humans to control the actions and movements of other humans, allowing reclusive billionaire Ken Castle (Michael... C. Hall) to create the ultimate video game. It's called "Slayers," and it's a mass-scale, multiplayer online first-person shooter that's as controversial as it is popular. In the world of gamers, Simon (Logan Lerman) is a rock star; miraculously managing to keep his character alive week after week, he racks up frags like Billy Mitchell jumps barrels. But unlike Mitchell's Mario, Simon's video-game avatar is a living, breathing human being named Kable (Gerard Butler). Defying the odds to keep Kable running and gunning though even the most explosive battles, Simon captures the imagination of a global audience. Torn from his family, thrown into prison, and forced to fight against his will, Kable realizes that his only hope of ever seeing his family again is to somehow escape the game, reclaim his identity, and expose Castle's dehumanizing technology on live television. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
Starring Gerard Butler, Amber Valletta, Michael C. Hall
Theatrical Release 9/4/2009 (USA)
Rated R
Released By Lionsgate

all about steve

Posted on |

A brilliant crossword-puzzle designer travels across the country in hopes of convincing a CNN cameraman that the pair is meant to be together, only to find her quest taking an unexpected turn in this romantic comedy starring Thomas Haden Church and Sandra Bullock. Despite the fact that she has only gone... on one short date with the man, a love-struck puzzle creator becomes enamored with a successful cameraman and follows him to a series of media events in hopes that the feeling is mutual. While she is saddened to discover that it is not, she soon becomes involved with a group of misfits who selflessly accept her at face value. First-time feature filmmaker Phil Traill directs a screenplay penned by License to Wed scribe Kim Barker. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
Starring Sandra Bullock, Thomas Haden Church
Director Phil Traill
Theatrical Release 9/4/2009 (USA)

inglourious basterds

Posted on |

Quentin Tarantino's long-gestating WWII epic, Inglourious Basterds, finally sees the light of day with this re-envisioning of Enzo G. Castellari's violent war film from 1977. Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Nastassja Kinski, Samm Levine, Mike Myers, and B.J. Novak star in the Universal Pictures release. ~ Jeremy... Wheeler, All Movie Guide
Starring Brad Pitt, Melanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz
Director Quentin Tarantino
Theatrical Release 8/21/2009 (USA)
Released By Weinstein Co., Universal Pictures

disney channel playlist

Posted on 14 September 2009 |

track list :
  1. One and the Same" (Selena Gomez & Demi Lovato from Princess Protection Program)
  2. Live to Party" (Jonas Brothers from JONAS)
  3. So Far, So Great" (Demi Lovato from Sonny With a Chance)
  4. Let It Go" (Mitchel Musso & Tiffany Thornton from Hatching Pete)
  5. Hero in Me" (Emily Osment from Dadnapped)
  6. Let's Get Crazy" (Hannah Montana from Hannah Montana Season 3)
  7. Gitchee Gitchee Goo" (Vincent Martella & Ashley Tisdale from Phineas and Ferb)
  8. The Girl Can't Help It" (Mitchel Musso from Princess Protection Program)
  9. Everything Is Not As It Seems" (Selena Gomez from Wizards of Waverly Place)
  10. This Is Me" (Demi Lovato & Joe Jonas from Camp Rock)
  11. Breaking Free" (Vanessa Hudgens & Drew Seeley from High School Musical)
  12. Fabulous" (Ashley Tisdale & Lucas Grabeel from High School Musical 2)
  13. Run It Back Again" (Corbin Bleu from Minutemen)
  14. Start the Party [Remix]" (Jordan Francis from Camp Rock)
  15. Dance Me If You Can" (The Cheetah Girls from The Cheetah Girls: One World)

vanessa hudgens - identified

Posted on |

track list :
  1. last night
  2. identified
  3. first bad habit
  4. hook it up (ft. rock mafia)
  5. don't ask why
  6. sneakernight
  7. amazed (ft. lil mama)
  8. don't leave
  9. paper cut
  10. party on the moon
  11. did it ever cross your mind
  12. gone with the wind
  13. vulnerable

vanessa hudgens - v deluxe edition

Posted on |

track list :
  1. too emotional
  2. drip drop
  3. don't talk
  4. make you mine
  5. come back to me (chris cox remix radio mix)
  6. come back to me (music video)
  7. say ok (music video)
  8. come back to me (music video live version)
  9. say ok (music video live version)
  10. vanessa hudgens interview

vanessa hudgens - v

Posted on |

track list :
  1. come back to me
  2. let go
  3. say ok
  4. never underestimate a girl
  5. let's dance
  6. drive
  7. afraid
  8. promise
  9. whatever will be
  10. rather be with you
  11. psychic
  12. lose your love
  13. too emotional
  14. drip drop

ashley tisdale - guilty pleasure

Posted on |

track list :
  1. acting out
  2. it's alright, it's ok
  3. masquerade
  4. overrated
  5. hot mess
  6. how do you love someone
  7. tell me lies
  8. what if
  9. erase and rewind
  10. hair
  11. delete you
  12. me without you
  13. crank it up (ft. david jassy)
  14. switch

ashley tisdale - headstrong

Posted on |

track list :

  1. intro
  2. so much for you
  3. he said she said
  4. be good to me (ft. david jassy)
  5. not like that
  6. unlove you
  7. positivity
  8. love me for me
  9. goin' crazy
  10. over it
  11. don't touch (the zoom song)
  12. we'll be together
  13. headstrong
  14. suddenly
  15. who i am
  16. it's life

about zac efron

Posted on |

Parents: David and Starla Siblings: Dylan Pets: Two Australian Shepherds, Dreamer and Puppy, and Siamese cat, Simon
On the Billboard Hot 100 chart of 2006-02-11, Zac had five simultaneous song credits. The songs were "Get'cha Head in the Game" (solo), 3 duets with Vanessa Hudgens ("Breaking Free," "Start of Something New," and "What I've Been Looking For") and "We're All in this Together" credited to the High School Musical (2006) (TV) cast. All tracks were from the soundtrack of "High School Musical".
The Zac Efron-Vanessa Hudgens duet "Breaking Free" (from High School Musical (2006) (TV)) made the fastest climb in the history of the Billboard Hot 100, leaping from 86 to 4 in one week (2006-02-11).
With the popularity of High School Musical (2006) (TV), he had to change his phone number after getting numerous calls from fans.
Zac's most prized possession is his autographed baseball collection.
Is a huge San Francisco Giants fan.
Met his current girlfriend, Vanessa Hudgens, during castings for High School Musical (2006) (TV). They were paired together near the end of casting to see how well they worked together.
Favorite Cartoon Show: Rocko's Modern Life.
He donated many items to Rocky Stone to be given to less fortunate kids as part of the Toy Mountain Campaign.
Attended the World Cup in Germany with Corbin Bleu.
The first concert he ever went to was a Wallflowers concert.
Has one sibling, younger brother, Dylan.
Simon Cowell offered him a record deal but he turned it down saying, "...acting is my main priority".
Named #93 on Empire Magazine's 100 Sexiest Movie Stars. (2007).
Had his appendix removed and is recuperating [January 15, 2008].
His favorite movie is The Goonies (1985).
Ranked #24 on interview magazines Hollywood faces to watch "Future Stars of Tomorrow".
Was ranked #26 on Entertainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the actors list. (2008).
Was ranked #2 on TV Guide Top 10 Teen Star Countdown (2008).
Was ranked #15 on Moviefone's 'The 25 Hottest Actors Under 25'(2008).
His acting idol is Johnny Depp.
Is a fan of Flight of the Conchords.
Is a fan of comic books and manga, including Death Note, Bleach, Naruto, Dragonball Z, and Shonen Jump.
Recognized by Time Magazine in the 2009 Time 100 as one of the world's 100 most influential people.
Originally auditioned for the role of Peter Pan in the 2003 live action movie of Peter Pan, but Jeremy Sumpter got it instead.
Zac does not and will not use any social network (Twitter, Facebook, etc) saying he doesn't have time and that he also values keeping some of his life private.

about vanessa hudgens

Posted on |

In both her first two films - Thirteen (2003) and Thunderbirds (2004) - she appeared alongside Brady Corbet.
Parents: Greg Hudgens and Gina Guangco.
Ethnicities: Filipina, Chinese,and Spanish (from her mother); Irish and American Indian (from her father).
Her musical theater roles include leads in: Evita, Carousel, The Wizard of Oz, The King & I, The Music Man, Cinderella, Damn Yankees, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and The Little Mermaid, among others.
She's a fan of the late Natalie Wood.
She can sing, act and dance.
She got her first gig when her friend couldn't go to an audition for a commercial and asked if Vanessa could go.
She is a fan of horror movies.
Older sister of Stella Hudgens
Is good friends with High School Musical (2006) (TV) co-stars Ashley Tisdale, Zac Efron, and Corbin Bleu, along with Alexa Nikolas("Zoey 101" (2005)), Kellan Rhude, Brenda Song ("The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" (2005), and Miley Cyrus ("Hannah Montana" (2006).
She is best known for portraying the role of Gabriella Montez in High School Musical (2006) (TV) and its related sequels.
Favorite TV show: "Degrassi: The Next Generation" (2001).
Was named "The Heartbreaker" in Disney channel's first DC games in 2006.
Was chosen to be a member of the blue team in DC games held in the Summer of 2006.
Her favorite kind of jeans are Frankie B jeans.
Her favorite car is a Porsche Carerra GT.
Her two favorite singers are Alicia Keys and Céline Dion.
She sang "Angels" by Robbie Williams at her "High School Musical" audition.
She has been home-schooled since the seventh grade.
She has already graduated from high school.
At one point, she actually planned to audition for "American Idol: The Search for a Superstar" (2002).
Her favorite subject in school is science.
Her song "Whatever Will Be" is really a song that reflects on her motto.
Her favorite kind of music is rock.
Both sets of her grandparents were musicians during the Big Band era.
Is best friends with Kayslee Collins.
Her favorite scene in High School Musical (2006) (TV) is the final one in which the cast sang and danced to "We're All In This Together".
She used to reside in the state of Oregon.
In June 2006, she signed a recording contract with Hollywood Records.
Her first solo album V debuted at #24 on the US Billboard album chart with 34,000 copies sold during its first week.
The first star from High School Musical (2006) (TV) to release a solo album in the wake of the success of High School Musical (2006) (TV). The name of her debut solo album is called "V" which stands for Vanessa, but also could stand for variety since it is a mix of pop, pop rock, dance electronic, and ballads. The album was released in the United States on September 26, 2006.
Enjoys singing just as much as dancing and acting.
Recorded her first solo album, V, in just under two months.
Trained in piano, dance, and voice (opera to be specific).
Her favorite song to perform in concert is "Let's Dance" because she and her backup dancers have so much fun dancing to that song.
Sings with Corbin Bleu on his debut solo album "Another Side" on the song "Still There for Me".
Her debut album has officially sold 500,000 copies. Therefore, it was certified gold for the first time in 2007.
The highest chart position of "Say OK" on the US Billboard chart is 61.
"Let Go" was supposed to be the second single from her debut album. However, it was switched to "Say OK" at the last minute.
Her first single, "Come Back to Me", samples from the song "Baby Come Back" by 1970s rock band Player.
The second single from V, her first solo album is called "Say OK". It was released on January 12, 2007 on US radio stations. There are two versions of the video for this song. The first one was from the High School Musical: The Concert Tour. The second version was filmed at a beach in Los Angeles, California and a bowling alley.
Her first official single from her debut album V is called "Come Back to Me". The song and the video both premiered on August 25, 2006 in the United States. The highest chart position it achieved on the US Billboard charts is 55.
In 2007, she became the spokesperson for Neutrogena products.
Desires to study business when she reaches college.
Met boyfriend Zac Efron on the set of High School Musical (2006) (TV).
Is the only person in High School Musical (2006) (TV) to have a solo song on the "High School Musical" soundtrack.
Her first job was acting in a local production of "The Wizard of Oz" where she played a munchkin and was paid $50.
Once attended the Orange County High School of the Arts.
She has a toy poodle named Shadow, three turtles, and some fish.
Took piano lessons when she was younger.
She was offered a role in the remake of the movie Prom Night (1980),that was offered to Fernanda Romero. as well; but turned it down to work on her music.
Her favorite dance number from High School Musical 2 (2007) (TV) is "Work This Out".
Ranked #12 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
She is face for brand Ecko Boys & Girls in Brazil.
She also made the "Maxim's Sexiest of 2009" list.
She is ranked #10 in Cosmopolitan magazine's Best Dressed Celebs of 2008.
On December 12, 2008, Hudgens was ranked #20 in the list of Forbes "High Earners Under 30".
In January 2009, Teen Vogue magazine included Hudgens in the list of the January's Ten Best Dressed in the fifth position.
Learned to play the guitar while filming Bandslam (2009).
She ranked number 27 on Maxim Magazine's Hot 100 of 2009.
She ranked number 42 at FHM's Sexiest Women in the World of 2009.
She ranked number 62 at FHM's Sexiest Women in the World of 2008.
She was included in People's annual "100 Most Beautiful People" 2008 and 2009 lists.
Good friends with Bandslam costar Alyson Michalka,.
Is close friends of Brittany Snow,.

about monique coleman

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On Round 2/Week 3 of "Dancing with the Stars" (2005/I), she danced the mambo to the hit number "Bop to the Top", a song sung by Ryan and Sharpay Evans (Lucas Grabeel and Ashley Tisdale) in the Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical (2006) (TV), in which she co-starred.
Best friends with
Corbin Bleu.
She was on Dancing with the Stars in May 2006, finished fourth, and was partnered with Louis Van Amstel.
She attended The Theatre School at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. She graduated in 2002 with a BFA in Acting.
She is a StarPower Ambassador for the Starlight Children's Foundation.

about corbin blue

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Favorite Movies: Chicago (2002) and The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975).
His favorite actresses are Jennifer Garner and Angelina Jolie.
Son of David Reivers.
His favorite book is The Great Gatsby.
His favorite candy bar is Twix.
Has appeared in two of the three highest rated Disney Channel Original Movies ever: High School Musical (2006) (TV) and Jump In! (2007) (TV).
Appeared in 3 of the 4 highest premier night movies on Disney Channel.
Best friends with Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron.
Has three younger sisters.
Is a talented card player.
Was one of the first students accepted into the Prestigious Debbie Allen dance academy.
His mom nicknamed him Sasquatch because of his large shoe size.
As far as musicians go, Prince has an influence on him but his all-time favourite is Michael Jackson.
He has been in show-business since he was just two years old.
His favourite animal is a leopard.
Plays piano and keyboards.
Has been dancing since he was two.
Loves Mustang cars. He has a black and gold Mustang convertible.
Collects belt buckles.
As of March 2006, he was part of the first-ever group of Star Power ambassadors, who were led by their "fairy Godmother" Jamie Lee Curtis.
He is a frequent volunteer worker, volunteering for charities such as "The Starlight children's foundations", "The Make-A-Wish foundation" and "St Jude's children's research hospital".
While shooting High School Musical in 2006, he taught his co-star Chris Warren Jr every song and dance routine from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Has been a stage performer since he was six years old. His stage mentor was Debbie Allen.
On his debut album, "Another Side", he wrote/co-wrote five of the album's twelve songs. He also wrote two more songs that appear as bonus tracks on the European version. One of those tracks was titled "Shake It Off", it was an ode to the musician Prince.
Is a talented impressionist.
For his most recent films each role has required him to master sporting skills. High School Musical - basketball and baseball, Jump In! - boxing and double-dutch and Free Style - motocross. Since participating in those movies, he has adapted to a skill from each and practises it in his time off or for fitness: basketball, boxing and motocross.
He owns a motorcycle - Kawasaki 2009 KX 250 - given to him by Kawazaki personally for his involvement in "Free Style".
Is a dedicated fan of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team.
Was signed as a child model with The Ford Modeling Agency at the age of four.
Served Thanksgiving's dinner and Christmas Eve lunch at the Los Angeles homeless shelter. (2008)
Is a good friend of photographer Marc Blackwell.
He wears a lot of the clothing by designers Ed Hardy and D&G. He also wears clothes from the label Penguin and loves sneakers by Nike.
Loves animals.
His band consists of: Drummer - Chad Wright, Guitarist - Chay Wright, Bass guitarist - Eric Banes and keyboardist - KT. His dancers consist of Tia Robinson, Claude Racine, Mike Betham and Boscoe Baker. Together, with Corbin, they are know to fans as "CB08 Crew".
Is the National Spokesperson for the Starlight Starbright charity foundation.
His favourite Broadway musicals are "Avenue Q" and "Spring Awakening". He can do hilarious impressions of the characters from Avenue Q, his favourite being "Trekkie Monster", a parody of Seasume Streets "Cookie Monster". He is also great friends with cast of "Spring Awakening" and has appeared in the episode "Notsey" of their Youtube series.
The first song he ever recorded professionally was titled "Circles" or "Circles In My Mind' for his then TV show Flight 29 Down'. When executives from several record companies heard the song, they became eager to sign him to a contract. He later signed with Hollywood Records and has since released two albums, "Another Side" (2007) and "Speed Of Light" (2009).
He plans on going to college when he gets the chance. He was accepted to Pitzer, Hofstra, Pamona and Stanford Universities.
For many years he wanted to be a doctor.

about ashley tisdale

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Younger sister of actress Jennifer Tisdale
Sang at The White House at age 12.
Has a dog named Blondie, which is her nickname on "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" (2005).
Parents are Lisa and Mike Tisdale
On the Billboard Hot 100 chart of 2006-02-11, she became the first female ever to debut with 2 songs simultaneously. The songs, "Bop to the Top" and "What I've Been Looking For" were both duets with Lucas Grabeel from High School Musical (2006) (TV).
Cousin of inventor and infomercial maven Ron Popeil.
Her favorite clothes are Diesel, Bebe, Urban Outfitters, and Forever 21.
The region-1 High School Musical (2006) (TV) DVD sold 400,000 copies on its day of release.
Her most prized possession is her new Louis Vuitton bag.
Has naturally curly, dark brown hair that reached her waist. Had to dye it blond to play Maddie Fitzpatrick, up to the point where it broke off to her shoulder. She now wears extensions.
Was a Ford Model along with Lindsay Lohan, Mischa Barton.
Is good friends with Zac Efron, her co-star in High School Musical (2006) (TV).
Her favorite movies are Just Married (2003), My Best Friend's Wedding (1997), and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003).
Tried out for the role of Karen in the movie Mean Girls (2004) but lost it to Amanda Seyfried.
Is currently (2006) recording her debut CD with Warner Bros records
Her favorite music groups are Billy Joel, Elton John, Mariah Carey, The Used, All American Rejects, and Nick Lachey.
Best friends with Brittany Snow
Loves to shop at Hollister.
Her favorite TV show is "Friends" (1994).
Says her favorite sport is basketball, because it is the only one she can slightly understand.
Got her start acting at the Jewish Community Center of Monmouth County, New Jersey, appearing in productions of Gypsy, Sound of Music, and Annie Warbucks.
Childhood friend of Mischa Barton.
Has her own YouTube Channel.
Her debut album "Headstrong" sold 70,000 copies in its first week.
Originally they were debating between 'Kiss the Girl' and 'Part of Your World' to be Ashley's song for Disney Mania 5. Ashley ended up singing 'Kiss the Girl' and her good friend Miley Cyrus was given 'Part of Your World'.
The down-to-earth rising star was dubbed "The Anti-Paris" by TMZ -- a compliment of the highest tabloid degree.
Had to be reminded not to take the lead while performing the dancing parts of High School Musical 2 with Lucas Grabeel, both in rehearsal and shooting.
She had a deviated septum before she got it corrected by surgery.
Best friends with "Hannah Montana" (2006) star Miley Cyrus.
Met dancer boyfriend Jared Murillo on the set of High School Musical (2006) (TV).
"Gotta Go My Own Way" is her favorite song from High School Musical 2 (2007) (TV).
Has a teacup poodle named Maui.
Ranked #10 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2008 list.
Céline Dion had thanked her for being a positive role model for her son.
When Ashley was younger, she wrote and performed a Christmas song for her family, with her cousin, Danielle, during Christmas time. She states now that it was "so cheesy", but she has always been an entertainer and loved to put on shows for anyone, her family in particular.
Broke up with Jared Murillo [April 11, 2009].
She is a StarPower Ambassador for the Starlight Children's Foundation.
Best friends with Samantha Droke and Caroline Clark.
Long time friend of Kaley Cuoco.

about lucas grabeel

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Came in 5th at the 52nd MSHSAA Speech & Debate Championships in 2003.
At one point in early 2006, Lucas had three songs on the top ten iTunes downloads. At that time, six of the top ten were from the soundtrack to High School Musical.
Lucas landed his first commercial 2 months after moving to LA, and his first movie, Halloweentown High, came just a few months after that.
Attended Kickapoo High School, the same high school Adrienne Wilkinson, Jay Kenneth Johnson, and Brad Pitt attended.
Prior to attending Kickapoo High School, Lucas attended Logan-Rogersville High School. At Logan-Rogersville, he performed in many school productions, as well as the varsity choir.
While in Rogersville, Missouri, he regularly attended Harmony Baptist Church, where he was a part of the children's and youth groups.
Lucas also went to Guatemala on an annual basis with his family as a part of a mission's team for six years.
Lucas played drums for a local church and initiated a men's a cappella singing group at Kickapoo High school.
Memorized the entire "Get'Cha Head in the Game" dance, even though his character in High School Musical (2006) (TV) wasn't involved in the sequence.
Auditioned for a role on "The Young and the Restless" (1973).
Was offered a role on "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" (2005), but when the script called for him to kiss co-star Ashley Tisdale, the role went to another actor, Zac Efron, due to the brother- sister dynamic established in High School Musical (2006) (TV). Zac is also in High School Musical and plays Ashley's crush.
Is a fan of actor/writer Christopher Guest.
His favorite dance as a kid was the hokey poky.
Does a variety of accents.
Plays piano, guitar and accordion.
Dances jazz, ballet, hip-hop and tap.
Is a tenor.